Thursday, September 27, 2012

Fairy Tales Are Full of S#^T (Part 1)

If happy ever after did exist
I would still be holding you like this
All those fairytales are full of shit
One more fuckin' love song I'll be sick
~ Maroon 5

Korean boss commissioned me to create playlets for the new fairy tale hand puppets the third graders will be using this semester. Demanded that I make the dialogues very interesting.

Yeah, sure Boss! Consider that done! 


CINDERELLA checks herself in the MIRROR. SNOW WHITE eyes  her enviously. It's a known fact that they have history. 

[SLEEPING BEAUTY dozes off in the corner]

CINDERELLA: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the hottest of them all?

MIRROR: [Completely astounded at such atrocious language, chokes himself]
Water. I need water.

SNOW WHITE: [While giving Mirror a Heimlich Maneuver]
You know Cindee, that pale blue gown is so not you.

CINDERELLA: [Totally annoyed]
Really now. Coming from someone who hangs out with midgets, that faux haute couture critique is so ignored.

SNOW WHITE: [Equally annoyed]
My friends are dwarfs! Not midgets! And quit the attitude! I know you're sleeping with the palace guards!

CINDERELLA: [Sarcastically]
Oh you gossip monger! Like you don't have any filthy little secret, huh?!

SNOW WHITE: [Getting whiter by the minute with anger]
What secret?!!! You social climbing ho!!! You should be ashamed of yourself!!!

CINDERELLA: [Totally losing it]
Don't talk to me like that, Ms. Purity! The whole town knows your affair with the Wood Cutter. Shesshhh! Wood cuttah lovah!

[Before Snow White could strike Cinderella with a hair iron, Sleeping Beauty wakes up]

What's with the noise? Someone's trying to sleep here.

Go back to sleep Aurora and don't ever wake up again!

SNOWHITE: [Completely amused now]
And while you're at it, gargle with Pinesol. The last prince who kissed you said your mouth reeks of sewage.

CINDERELLA & SNOW WHITE: [In total disgust]

SLEEPING BEAUTY: [Falls asleep again]

Commotion by the door, Rapunzel comes in, panting

RAPUNZEL: [Disheveled]
Ladies, can you please do my dreadlocks? I have a party to attend tonight and Mother Gothel is sick.

SNOW WHITE: [Eyes glitters with madness]
Why don't I give you a mohawk instead? You need an edgy look, babe.

Yeah! Your do is so like last century. Let's give her a Grace Jones look!

Rapunzel scrambles to her feet, runs for dear hair, shoving Princess Fiona aside by the doorway

PRINCESS FIONA: [Bewildered]
What happened to Rapunzel?

CINDERELLA: [Gets annoyed again at the sight of Fiona]
What do you want, Ogress?

FIONA: [Ignores Cinderella's acerbic tone]
I'm looking for my husband, Shrek?

SNOW WHITE: [Sarcastically]
Why search in my castle? Go to that Sher something something forest. He must be drinking with that drunkard Robin again.

CINDERELLA: [Chimes in merrily]
And everyone's wondering why Shrek's tummy is getting bigger? It can't be those fetus Shreks, can't it?

[Princesses roll on the floor laughing. Cinderella gives Snow White a high-five]

[Fiona exits silently, muttering something to herself]

FIONA: Bitches. At least my Shrek is a real man. I wonder if those two madwomen know their husbands are sleeping together? Flaming fags. Skanky hoes. What is this world coming to?

[Fiona shakes her head violently all the way to Sherwood forest, where she would catch Shrek making out with Robin Hood.]


No kid is ever allowed to read this.

all rights reserved © mj navida 4 may 2010


Anonymous said...

imba. this should be sold to Disney, just for laughs. hahaha.

The Wandering Deity said...

heheh. thanks! but am saving these for my own version of grim-fairy tales =D

Sonnet to Fathers