- I don't need an excuse or provocation to tackle, trout-slap, body slam, or toilet paper my friends. Heck, I could even throw Hillary Clinton to everyone without getting private messages like,
- What the hell did you do that for, beotch? - Where's your sense of respect? - What is wrong with you? - You need to get professional help. - You're a sad little person constantly seeking attention. - I feel sorry for you.
- I am allowed to shower my girl friends fab bags from Louis Vuitton, Balenciaga, Channel, Dior and Prada anytime without worrying about maxing out my Visa card. Hey, it's all free! Even the credit card is complimentary.
- I am privileged to yack, lick, tango and cuddle with the Boyfriend openly, and no one thinks the Deity is a homicidal exhibitionist.
Plus I could do the same thing to close male friends and he would never think I am two-timing him.
- I throw lame friends to Vampire friends all the time, just because I want to, and they're cool with it. They don't go sulking in a corner, curled up in a fetal position, screaming, "Deity, you numb nut twit, I am going to make you pay for that!"
- I am allowed to expose well-tended multiple personalities without being regarded a basket case. I am a Mistress Vampire, a Triumphant Slayer, a Werewolf Howler and a Zombie Ninja. I attack my friends whenever and they don't go scurrying off for their lives.
- I get to feed my Pet, Mojitos, and chocolate pie, and it doesn't go running in the toilet, yelling profanities in my face for giving it alcohol and sweets at the same time.
- I give my friends a keg of draft beer or a bottle of Dom Perignon anytime without having to organize a drink-all-you-can party.
Speaking of pals, someone voted yours truly as the friend Most Likely To Be Buried Alive, which got me thinking what in the world would make anyone think that I am probably going to be entombed screaming and kicking? And why would anyone want to bury me alive in the first place? I am pretty sure I don't resemble The Bride? Hello?!!! Ngork!
I have to find out who did that.
I am soooo going to bitch-slap that friend without mercy!
And when I am done slapping, I swear to vote him/her as the friend Most Likely to Sleep with Marilyn Manson.
I feel better already.
I don't like any online social utility that allows people to pry on my life. I don't know who voted you to be buried alive Mj but I know I'd nominate you to be the friend most likely to burn somebody alive :>
You need to go out more often. Let's play hookey and get some Mojitos!
bury me alive with you and i promise it wont be half as bad... burry yourslef into.. i mean with a texan and heck you wont complain one bit ! :P
is okay. you will always deny my invites. i know you have a sparkling life. hahaha! the closest i have to mojitos are the olives in my fridge. ngork!
g, if we were bury alive together we would end up killing each other because only one of us has to survive in order to fulfill world domination.
now, to be buried alive with a texan, ahemmm... you are sooo right, i won't be whining a bit. haha!
you're the one who voted me?! yes?!!! grrrrr!!!
oh facebook. Ayaw ko ng facebook dati, hindi ko makuha kung bakit nawiwili ang mga kaibigan ko sa manila sa facebook. Kung hindi pa ako ginawan ng mapilit kong kaibigan ng account, hangang ngayon hindi ko ignorante pa din ako.
abad, okay naman sa facebook eh. kaaliw minsan. minsan kainis kase me mga psycho na add ka tapos dedma naman ever. delete ko nga sila. hahahha!!!
add mo ko!!!
Got home, read mails and saw the invite from facebook... AGAIN?!
BTW, see you this April?
I swear I did not send you another invite. Are you sure it's from me?
See you this April, this year, or next year? What?!
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