Saturday, May 17, 2014

A Single Mom's Pride

Earlier, as I watch my son light the Candle of Hope during their baccalaureate mass, I can't help but feel this overwhelming sense of pride. We've definitely come a long long way.

I used to think that I wouldn't make it. That being a single parent will be a challenge I might not fulfill.  That I might fail my son and myself for that matter. There were just too many hurdles. But along the way, through the hardships and struggles, I am lucky to have found a really awesome support system --parents, family and friends -- who helped in one way or another. And I can't thank them enough.

Being a single  parent is not for the faint of heart; it's not for the weaklings or quitters. There's a ton of responsibility that goes with raising a child alone. It requires strength, courage, a lot of tears and most of all, determination. The fortitude to give him a good life.

I know my son had his share of struggles, too. And I can only hope that the love, support and guidance my parents and I give him fill in whatever void he may have now and then. Despite the hardships, his effort to obtain a degree is admirable. He made us really proud.

As I listened to the Homily, I was reminded of this quote from Farrah Fawcett: My number one goal is to love, support and be there for my son.

In two days, the fulfillment of our dreams will be a reality. My parents and I will watch him with pride (and perhaps a tear or two) as he march on stage and receive his diploma. The moment will be priceless... We've gone a long way. Yes, true. But this is not the end. I won't stop loving, supporting and being there for him.

Congratulations, son!

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Sonnet to Fathers