Thursday, November 14, 2013

Typhoon Haiyan and Inflamed Ear Vessel

You all probably heard by now what happened to the provinces south of the Philippines. I have stopped reading the paper, watching the news, and following feeds in Twitter concerning those who have been devastated by Haiyan (named Yolanda locally).

My heart breaks every time I see posts in Facebook and Twitter asking friends to help find missing relatives. I couldn't imagine what would I do if I were in their shoes. The thought of not knowing how my family fared in such a calamity is already nerve-wracking. I thank God that we didn't have to go through that.

Help from all over the world is pouring in. Bless this generous people. I hope our government officials won't use those help for their own need. Hello! Don't you dare touch those money! Shame on you, bitches! You should be ashamed of yourselves. Makes me think that if I were Janet Napoles, I'll offer a plea bargain: I will donate 10 billion to the victims, provided I walk scot-free. But we all know she won't do that. She's just not  that smart. If she were smart, would she be caught?

Anyway, other than the disconcerting news about the wrath of Haiyan, my ear has been bothering me for some time that I decided to see the doctor yesterday. Apparently, that strange noise I am hearing is not the voices of the dark side, but an inflamed vessel in my right ear. This is also causing me to get dizzy now and then. I was hoping the doctor would tell me that I am having those symptoms of schizophrenia. I dunno really the connection, but according to the doctor it is what it is it is, so I believe her with my life.

Had to take meds again. I hate meds. But what can I do? I can't afford to get sick. Mum said I am lucky I am able to see a doctor and buy meds, unlike those people in the south who don't even have clean water to drink.

I am  going to stop whining now. Thank you for listening. 

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Sonnet to Fathers