I woke up mushy today. Call it end of winter blues? Maybe... I don't know.
What I know is that I got a very touchy message from my brother Frederick, next to the youngest. He will be turning 31 on the 23rd. As a birthday gift for himself, I was quite sure that with the cellphone mania going among Filipinos, this brother would have nothing in the world but a brand new one. It was expected anyway. Who in their single earning life wouldn't want a spanking kick-ass new phone, especially in the Philippines?
I was surprised to read that he bought Mother a new phone instead.
He wrote that Mom had always wanted a new phone, so he decided to buy her one. He probably got tired of hearing her whine all the time when the dang phone magically turns itself off every after few minutes. Or she must be throwing hints here and there, so to stop the walls from screaming back at Nanay, he just granted her wish.
Knowing my little brother, I am sure he just wanted to please the woman, to make up for those times that he gave her unbearable headaches. And I am so proud of my little brother. He indeed has come of age.
Gone are the days when he was considered as the black sheep of the family: giving the folks antsy moments with the pranks he constantly pulls back then. He has no idea how much I cry whenever I hear about his misdemeanors. I felt like a failure as the eldest in the family.
Tonight, he made me cry again... this time... the tears are of joy, of pride. He will always be my baby brother, the one I thought I'd be taking care of for the rest of his screwed up life. I must have underestimated my brother, for these days, he's taking great care of my son for me -- providing Rue the fatherly love that he needs -- and some guitar lessons to boot.
My little brother had finally grown up... And it's about time!
Mas "nanay" ang dating ng post mo kesa "ate" :) at feeling ko mas tumatanda ako pag nakakabasa ako ng mga post nga ganito ... bday rin kasi ng panganay ko ngayon ... *sigh*
tama ka, i was little "nanay" to my 5 siblings.
happy birthday po ke kuya!
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