Thursday, March 20, 2008

All Ye Sinners: Repent!

The religious community is observing the Lenten week: the sinners repent; the holies reflect. It's the time of the year when the Catholics, Christians and religious fanatics alike ponder on the death of Jesus Christ -- the purpose of his sufferings and salvation of mankind's sins.

I, for one, would like to ask forgiveness for all the vanities that I have brought forth in this world. I know I am no saint, no matter how much I try to perform some little miraculous deeds everyday. God knows I strive to make a difference each day, in His name, although those selfless acts seemed to be mindless at times. May God have mercy on me.

Befittingly, allow me to share this video showcasing how devout Catholics in the Philippines observe the Lenten season.


Ken Albin said...

All we can do in this world to strive to make it a better place in which to live. If we do that, I think we are successful.

The Wandering Deity said...

I agree Ken. It's a long shot, but we could try, at least... and hope for the best.

Sonnet to Fathers